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Explain Your Pride in the Progressive Track Record

Bill Johnston

By Bill Johnston

According to the Pew Research Center chart below, Progressive voter turnout in 2020 was the highest of any political group on the political spectrum. Also, Pew learned that Progressives follow government events more than any other subgroup.

Progressive thought leaders have a proud and proven track record of organizing and driving new political ideas and transforming them into significant legislative accomplishments.

As a result, Progressive thought leadership has improved the quality of life in the United States by promoting what eventually became mainstream beliefs even to "Faith and Flag" political conservatives. These legislative accomplishments over the last century include:

  • Social Security

  • Medicare

  • The Right to vote for women and minorities

  • Federal insurance of bank deposits

  • The eight-hour work day and the 40-hour work week

  • Prohibitions against child labor and workplace exploitations

  • Antimonopoly and anti-competitive regulations for corporations

  • Protection for our wilderness, waterways, and national parks

  • Consumer Protection Agency

  • Occupation Safety and Health Standards (OSHA)

Progressives have accomplished much over the last century, all the while not becoming "communists" as predicted by our political opponents on the Right.

Although circumstances are very different now than in TR's time, progressive thinking is needed again. To learn more about the Progressive message, one of many sources to consider is the National American Values Project (AVP).

AVP was formed in 2011 as an effort of Progressive thinkers to tell the national story that defines the Progressive view and values.

AVP has also released the book "Progressive Thinking: A Synthesis of the American Progressive Values, Beliefs, and Positions." If interested, I suggest typing Progressive Thinking: A Synthesis of the American Progressive Values, Beliefs, and Positions into your search engine.

The book's central message builds upon the ideas of generations of Progressives, from Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Barack Obama, and makes clear Progressives believe everyone:

  • Deserves a fair shot at a decent, fulfilling, and economically secure life.

  • Should do their fair share to build a life through education, personal responsibility, hard work, and active participation in public life.

  • Should play by the same rules, with no special privileges for the well-connected or wealthy.

If Progressive positions are clearly articulated in unflinching terms, the electorate will want to Progress to the future rather than Conserve the past.


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