By Jim Walker, Ph.D.

Joe Biden has an image problem. People are concerned about his age. He would be 86 years old by the end of a second term. He is a stutterer with a squinty-eyed appearance, allowing Donald Trump to hang the nickname "sleepy Joe" on him. These characteristics are not conducive to a positive image in a politician and have caused his favorability ratings to hold around the 40% mark persistently. However, looking beyond these surface image issues, a picture of solid job performance and high technical competence emerges. Let us look at his accomplishments in the various aspects of his job.
I. The Economy
Joe Biden came into office in January 2021. At that time, we were in the throes of the Covid pandemic. The gross domestic product had fallen farther and more sharply than ever since the Great Depression. Unemployment rose to 13%, and the inflation rate rose shortly afterward due to complex problems from the pandemic. Since that time, the economy has improved markedly. Let us look at some of these changes:
GDP Growth
Third quarter 2023, 4.9% annualized growth rate
Fourth quarter 2023, 3.3% annualized growth rate
Full-year, 2023, 2.5% growth rate
Note: Economists generally agree that the upper limit of the long-term growth rate for a mature economy, such as that of the United States, is about 3%.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, overall inflation stood at 3.2% and core inflation (inflation rate with volatile energy and food removed) stood at 2%.
Unemployment Rate
Unemployment currently stands at 3.7%, with many more job openings listed than applicants. (Economists generally agree that an unemployment rate of 4% represents "full employment".)
Wage Growth
Wage growth from September 2022 to September 2023 was 4.6%. With inflation running at 3.2%. This rate means that real wages (actual Purchasing power) are now rising for the first time in many years.
Budget Deficit
The budget deficit fell by $350 million in fiscal year 2021 and $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2022.
Stock Market
The stock market turned in a stellar performance in 2021 and 2023 after there were three down quarters in 2022 while anticipating a recession that never came.
ll. Legislation Passed
Congress has been locked in a self-defeating power struggle for many years now, which regularly produces the inability to pass routine and necessary Legislation, such as annual budgets and features kabuki theater dramas every few months overextending the borrowing limit to prevent a government shutdown. Maneuvering around this deadlock, President Biden has gotten through a surprising number of beneficial bipartisan Bills. Some of them are:
Infrastructure Bill
This Bill provides for repairs to roads, bridges, airports, public transport, and clean water facilities. Donald Trump promised an infrastructure program but failed to deliver on that promise. Joe Biden delivered.
Inflation Reduction Act
Included in this Bill are the following provisions:
Funding is provided to reduce greenhouse gases, reduce environmental damage, and produce better energy technology.
Raising revenue by a corporate income tax increase.
Increasing IRS funding to audit the very wealthy more.
$2000 cap on out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs for Medicare recipients.
Electoral Count Reform Act
This act more clearly explains the vice president's role in counting electoral voters.
Postal Service Reform Act
It modernizes and stabilizes the Postal Service, retaining six-day-a-week delivery and targeting short delivery times.
He passed bipartisan Legislation protecting same-sex marriage and interracial couples.
He passed a Bipartisan gun safety bill.
He passed the Chips, Science Act to shore up semiconductor manufacturing in the United States.
Ill. Executive Actions
NATO strengthened by facilitating the admission of several European nations, including Finland, Sweden, and the Baltic states, which have become new members.
Biden supported the Ukrainian defense, which led to the recapture of some of the territory Russia took in the early stage of the war.
At this point in his presidency, Biden has surpassed the rate at which Trump appointed federal judges.
He has pardoned thousands of inmates jailed for simple possession of Marijuana.
He has issued an executive order raising standards for law enforcement Agencies regarding use of force policies, body cameras, and Retention of officers.
Call to Action
When you hear other people say that Biden is a do-nothing president, a doddering older man, failing to lead, or leading in the wrong direction, please point out these accomplishments. The future of our nation is at stake in perhaps the most critical election year since 1860.
Primary sources:
Article by Brian Mena CNN on Google news